
CADRAN Systems Inc. is a Quebec company, working in new and evolving technologies. Their specialty is creating and hosting internet applications and websites. As a result of a diverse team of experts, CADRAN offers a wide variety of system solutions. Cadran combines excellent technical features with quality aesthetic interfaces. The result is a highly functional product that meets the highest standards of our clientele.

Your website is a powerful business tool, which serves both you and your customers. At the same time, it conveys your company image as well as communicating your products and services. Your web site will be both flexible and reliable and our approach to internet solutions helps facilitate business.

Trust CADRAN systems for the design of a web solution that makes you the envy of your competitors and entices your customers.

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Ro-Sham-bo is now available on the App Store. See our latest mobile application. A Rock-Paper-Scissors casual game.

The Web

From the last January 2013 Web Server Survey established by Netcraft, around 629,939,191 sites were reported on the web, this would be a growth of almost 470M in five years.

WEB 2.0

What is Web 2.0 ? Here are some links to shed light on the question :

Useful Links